

30 years ago I was in a play called The Madness of George III. We toured to the USA and played four venues over 13 weeks. 

I was cast as Sir Nigel Hawthorne’s understudy and also had a small part in the show. It was somewhat unthinkable that had Nigel been off, the powers that be would have allowed me to go on, seeing as Nigel (who later played the role in the film, which on Nigel’s suggestion was renamed The Madness of King George so as to avoid any hint of sequels or pequels) was the draw. Well perhaps not exclusively. It was a Royal National Theatre production out of London after all, and Alan Bennet was the playwright. So there were those glamours at work as well.

I watched Nigel’s work closely as I was paid to do, and came to the conclusion that he touched greatness in the role. By which I mean there were moments in the performance of exquisite, heartbreaking delicacy. In a whole year with the company in the UK, in Greece, in Israel and in the USA I never once saw Nigel working at anything less than full force. And I don’t mean just in performance. If a detail needed to be reworked or if somebody had to step in because one of the other actors had come down with food poisoning (that happened), at the put-in rehearsal Nigel was there always giving it 100%.

At the time he was a man in his late 60s, the age I am now. His squash playing days were over because being one who goes for everything, and having reached the time of life when there were issues with his internal organs, he knew it was no longer safe to rampage around a squash court. He saved all that for the stage.

Nigel by temperament was the nearest thing I have ever encountered in my 40 plus years as an actor to the character of ‘Sir’ in The Dresser.

By which I mean: he was a hugely talented actor with a special genius for light comedy; George III was, similarly to ‘Sir’, a Lear-adjacent role; in George III Nigel was tasked with very heavy acting lifting; he had a desperate personal agenda (having twice before been passed over for the film version of roles which he had originated on stage); in offstage interaction with other actors he could by turns be warm, acerbic, demanding, critical, supportive and furious. Over the year that I worked with him my affection grew slowly, but now that I understand something of what he was up against, I would say my respect and gratitude and admiration for him is total.

Our amazing set designed by Anne Mundell

Because just now I happen to be playing ‘Sir’ in The Dresser by Ronald Harwood and we opened to an enthusiastic audience on the eve of the winter solstice.

Director J. Barry Lewis and Denise Cormier (Her Ladyship) workshopping the newly arrived wind machine in rehearsal

There is no way round it, ‘Sir’ is a demanding role. Apart from the vocal variety required and the physical exuberance alternating with strange turns of mind, there is live make-up, costuming and facial hair to be reckoned with. Fortunately it is not a long show, coming in at just about 2 hours including an interval. The two-show days we are required to do are distantly reminiscent of a time long ago when I was touring Toad of Toad Hall and we had to give three performances in one day. I don’t recommend it.

Far left: Dennis Creaghan, Bill Hayes, Denise Cormier, David Hyland, Kelly Gibson, Me. (Photo by Curtis Brown/Courtesy Palm Beach Dramaworks)

The other blessing is an agile and talented supporting cast. The splendid slender Denise Cormier as Her Ladyship

The splendid petite Kelly Gibson (impressive on timpani)

I give the bodily adjectives because the action of the play requires me to lift each of these actresses (separately not simultaneously) in my arms.

The lovely Beth Dimon ⎯ we’ve worked together three times before and I regard her as one of my stage sisters and as I told her the other day, I knew she was a wonderful actress the first moment I saw her on stage back in 2003.

Then there are the lads. Dennis Creaghan has a single scene of comedy gold in this show. If the audience is savvy enough to get the joke they come out humming it. David Hyland makes a fish dip of the quality that makes you exclaim “There’s money to be made here”. Likewise Cliff Goulet makes a telling backstage cameo as a master baker, Gary Cadwallader supplies dramaturgy and an excellently sinister Oxenby, John Campagnuolo gives us a burly knight (the only one of an intended hundred in this depleted troupe).

Top: Dennis, Cliff. Bottom: Dave, Gary, John

And I must make special mention of Bill Hayes. Bill is the producing artistic director of Palm Beach Dramaworks. He played ‘Norman’ in this play 21 years ago (I saw that production in which the late marvelous Hal Johnstone played ‘Sir’) and Bill is now reprising the role for the theatre’s 25th anniversary. The play requires a double act between us and it has been a delight to work closely together, notwithstanding the existential conspiracy of props, hairpieces and costume which seem to fight back from time to time, on this marvelous play which is a love letter to the backstage life of the British theatre of 80 years ago.

Bill in executive mode

I also take time to say kudos to J. Barry Lewis. We have worked together many times. He is an inventive and detailed director, never more so than on this one! He has corralled the actors designers and technicians to create an (though I say it myself) excellent production of The Dresser.

J. Barry Lewis in director mode

Click here for trailer.

Come and see it! Tickets here.

And while I’m handing out roses. Thanks to Palm Beach Dramaworks in general and all who sail in her ⎯ too many people doing a great job to name here, but they know who they are. Suffice to say this production is stage managed with her usual quiet precise efficiency by Suzanne Clement Jones ⎯ and doesn’t it help when someone knows what they are doing!?

Palm Beach Dramaworks – catch the Hamlet reference on the mural

It is remarkable and fabulous to have seen this company develop. When they took residence in Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, the place was full of vacant retail units. Now it is hopping. Restaurants jostle yoga studios, and the street lighting is reminiscent of a Pina colada gone wild.

Courtesy of

The Dresser

Guess where Palm Beach Dramaworks is located.

Palm Beach.

Actually West Palm Beach in the great state of Florida. The Sunshine State as it’s known.

Image by Freepik

About six years ago Bill Hayes, the producing artistic director started talking about doing a 20th year anniversary production of The Dresser by Ronald Harwood.

Remember The Dresser? – 1983 film with Tom Courtenay and Albert Finney following huge success in London and New York.

TV film 2015 with Ian McKellen and Anthony Hopkins.

A love letter to the British backstage in the early years of the Second World War when all the able-bodied had left to fight. – Not for the first time …

“And leave your England, as dead midnight still, Guarded with grandsires, babies and old women …”

Henry V, Act III prologue – Shakespeare.

What with the pandemic interfering, there will now be a 25th year anniversary production, and in a few weeks rehearsals will begin.

That’s Bill Hayes as Norman (The Dresser) placing the crown on the hairy guy (Me) who is getting ready to play King Lear. for tickets Dec 18th thru Jan 5th


It’s Been An Interesting Summer

The Dresser by Ronald Harwood, opens December 18th 2024 at Palm Beach Dramaworks in West Palm Beach, Florida

There are parallels between the practice of theatre and the practice of astrology.

“Oh yeah?” I hear you cry. “How does a planet or the stars in the sky correspond to the life of some out of work actor?”

Image courtesy of Unsplash

This is a valid question.

Consider: an actor gets a role. The parameters of the role are defined by the script. The expression of the role is guided, sometimes obstructed, but certainly shaped by a director. Within those limits the actor is free to make choices, to interpret.

My Lear will be different from your Lear. (well, one hopes).

AI generated image courtesy of Pixabay

Consider: We come into incarnation – a fancy way of saying we get born. And the mystery begins. Because: where have we come from?

Plato has it that the natural habitat of each human soul is one of the stars above and that we pass through each of the planetary spheres acquiring the qualities of that particular planet and its placement in the zodiac at that moment. We take on the costume for this incarnation and the script as written in the interplanetary potentials.

And in the play of life, with its exits and entrances, we can choose how we play the part. We don’t have ham it up.

And according to Robert Frost, Wordsworth, and particularly Shakespeare, we have all signed up for a round trip. The mighty seven ages speech from As You Like It exactly describes the progress of a life and the return. But return to what?

J B Priestly’s character Henry Ormonroyd put all of the above a lot more succinctly when he said (in When We Are Married)

“We all come here and we don’t know why. We all go in our turn and we don’t know where…”

Your blogger as Henry Ormonroyd, Guthrie Theatre 2008

My friend and sometime fellow student Maggie once said to me, “When I heard you’d become an astrologer I thought – Oh he’s lost it. … But then later I thought, oh no, he’s fond an angle.”

I have indeed lost it in the pre-Enlightenment mystery of the endless study that is astrology.

As for the angle, yes that too, Maggie was right. Though not in the sense she meant. The angle or rather the angles plural, are the horizons over which the stars rise and fall on a daily basis and which contain the clues to the weird and whacky interplay of pre-destiny and free will.

Still with me?

As part of my research into how to establish an astrological practice, I joined a networking group of holistic practitioners I’m here to tell you there is more woo-woo per square inch in Westchester, N.Y. than is commonly. suspected.

I have met some lovely people. Unsurprisingly perhaps in such a group every member is an empath – it’s almost like being with a bunch of actors.

But the point is I have been exchanging services with these people. I give them an astro reading and they give me – whatever it is they do. For brief accounts and testimonials go here.

And talking of Lear …

I have an up coming gig in West Palm Beach, Florida. I will go there in November to rehearse and then play ‘Sir’ in The Dresser. For those who don’t know the play, ‘Sir’ is a bombastic, self-obsessed old ham of an actor … and for some extraordinary reason they’ve come to me …???

In the manner of the late great Barry Humphries who proclaimed his “first farewell tour”, I’m intending this to be my last one for various reasons.

So if the stars should align, come to West Palm Beach. We open December 18th. for details.


Astrology and Shakespeare

A niche interest event coming up!

Have you ever read a book that made you wonder how ever did you miss something important because there it was in plain sight all the time?

A few years ago I came across this amazing volume:

I am delighted to announce that Priscilla and I will be jointly presenting on this subject. It will be online, hosted by The Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred on Tuesday July 16th 2024 at 6:30pm UK time. Here’s the link.

I’ve been in a dozen or so Shakespearean productions and have been a fan since youth. Of course I was aware of the canon being peppered with cosmic and celestial references, what I had not noticed was how certain of the plays are fraught with precise overarching astrological meanings – in the language, in the plot and in the story.

This will be a somewhat more scholarly take than my planned show AstroBard which had to be postponed earlier in the year.

If you have an interest in either Shakespeare or Astrology or ways they combine, please do come along!

NB: if you do decide to splurge on the required 10 quid (ten pounds sterling) when you click the link you’ll get to the listing page – you need the first BUY NOW button the one that is higher on the page not the lower! Thanks!


Assorted Theatre Here and There

NB: If you live in the greater NYC area, read to the end for news of a Westchester show!

It is staggeringly impressive how you can turn a common or garden boozer into a posh venue when you spend a million pounds sterling. To experience this phenomenon I recommend The White Bear in Kennington, London, UK. What was a black box theatre downstairs is now a superior black box theatre upstairs. Downstairs you can get very good fish & chips and the back of the place has been knocked through and made into a bit of upmarket gentrification complete with micro-brewery ales.

We had just got off the plane from New York and went that evening to see the last night of Harry and Meghan – the fact that my old friend and sometime fellow-student, Michael Kingsbury, has run the place for the past 40 years, and done much to elevate the cause of interesting theatre on the London fringe was a motivating factor. A talented quartet delivering sketch comedy style satire. – Packed!

That was Saturday

On Monday we saw The Hills of California, the latest play from Jez Butterworth. It bears all the hallmarks of his work – snappy dialogue with mythological implications and references, tense drama, and high production values.

A powerhouse performance from Laura Donelly – I mean POWERHOUSE – I knew her in The Ferryman – and here she gives whole other dimensions in her work – quite amazingly impressive – not sure if it’s coming to Broadway.

That was Monday

On Wednesday we saw Uncle Vanya at The Orange Tree in Richmond. Very interesting from all sorts of point of view. Directed by the 80 year old Trevor Nunn, late of the RSC, the National and of course Cats which made him rich.

James Lance ( a very fine actor) in the title role was off, and we were told there would be a substitute who had almost no rehearsal and would be carrying the script.

Sadly I cannot tell you the name of this heroic actor. Not only did he not carry the script, his performance was superb. As was the whole production. All the Chekhov elements were there: pathos, bathos – texture, passion, terminal boredom, frustrated desire, and above all humor.

A young man who could have been playing Trofimov (the eternal student) in The Cherry Orchard was seated next to Trish. He admonished us for laughing. Not a surprise to be informed that he had a PHD in Theatre.

Where do you start with such people?

So we fled to Paris

There was an interlude with zero theatre – Rodin, Monet, The Tuileries –

Well we did go to the ballet one night, Don Quixote was the show – I must honestly confess that I had no idea of the story (and I have been in Man of La Mancha in Beijing), but it was of course ravishing on the eye, and breathtaking when you consider what some people can do with their bodies.

Another interlude on the south coast…

The lovely Polly Adams and family and a rogue hot water bottle.

Meanwhile in London …

Colin McPhillamy, Michael Shaw, Matilda Thorpe, Richard Fallon, Roy Drinkwater

Actors – lunch, drinks, coffee … chat

With David Verrey

… As above with Mark Carey

And then … The Picture of Dorian Grey at the Haymarket.

Again, another show with multiple points of interest. First off: it is a solo performance by Sarah Snook (you’ve seen her in Succession), produced initially in Sydney Australia. A staggering tour de force with some very inventive tech. If you are an actor reading this, I highly recommend it from a professional research and development point of view. The show is slated to come to Broadway.

Which brings me to episode 2 in My Guest Today.

Amelia Campbell and Anthony Akin talk to me about the new play What Keeps Us Going by Barbara Dana, to be directed by Austin Pendleton. The cast includes Amelia and Tony, Tim Jerome, and Karen Ziemba – Tony nominations abound!

The play opens May 24th and plays until June 9th at the Schoolhouse Theater in Croton Falls in Upper Westchester. Run do not walk to get tickets!