Now that we are fully one quarter of the way through 2023, I’d just like to point out that there is a fortune to be made by a canny importer bringing authentic soup spoons to America and organizing distribution in the nation’s thousands of restaurants. You heard it here first.
Sadly I just don’t have the time to take this one on. So if you do find this improvement to the quality of life in all the Great States falls to you, please remember where you got the idea and cut me in for half a percent.
I do not mean this:

There are all kinds of spoons out there announcing themselves as spoons dedicated to soup – falsely so, in my opinion. A true soup spoon is simply a justly shaped semi-circular bowl at the end of an elegantly shaped handle. The bowl should have some depth, but not approach to that of a ladle, nor to an imitation of those porcelain or plastic scoopers you get when you order hot and sour, or corn egg-drop.
Not this, functional and handsome though they are:

I would post an image of the perfect soup spoon. But I can’t find one!!! You take my point? This is what things have come to!?!
I must be getting on for retirement age, this is the kind of mildly disgruntled, mildly splenetic letter-to-the-editor type prose that could appear in an edition of The Oldie.

In other news:
Pluto, as you are doubtless aware has entered Aquarius, and is giving us a teasing taste of its presence there, before it does a brief nip back into Capricorn in mid June before finally settling in for its twenty year residency in the airy sign of the water bearer in January next year.

What does this mean? Well right on cue Pluto in Capricorn bookended its time there with the 2008 banking crisis and the 2023 one.
In Aquarius? Of course I don’t know, and if you are interested there is a generous supply of astro-punditcy on the subject in the usual outlets. Given that some Plutonic attributes are: invisibility, power, and volcanic disruption; and amongst Aquarian ones we have: the creative co-existence of the Conformist archetype with the Maverick.
possible effects might be:
Ever more surveillance
Expansion of digital currencies
Explosion of interest in astrology
You don’t need to be Madame Arcati to notice that these trends are already up and running. Whatever Pluto does in this sign we are likely to notice.
And while we’re on the subject, the International Astronomical Union (IAR) has decided to categorize Pluto as a dwarf planet. There is a page of explanation here.
One is minded of George MacDonald’s fairy great-grandmother in his novel Phantastes: “Ah, that is always the way with you men. Size is nothing, but form is much.”
On the other hand, the IAU has elevated Ceres to equal status with Pluto … if you, like me, credit mythological significance, this is a good thing.
From an astrological/mythological point of view there can be no question that Pluto may be small, but he is mighty. Likewise, Ceres.
And finally, the editorial decision is that over the next couple of years this blog will post less frequently than formerly. I.e. once a quarter.
Can’t get the staff…
Happy (late) Equinox.
6 replies on “Spoons and Planets”
Oh Colin you always make me laugh! I got a hello via Pricilla in the dressing room at Leopoldstadt and was delighted! Once I finish teaching (alongside doing my 8 a week- I must be mad!) I’d love to see you. Perhaps May/June? Much love – Sara xo
Hello Sara! Thanks for that. Yes, let’s get together when your schedule calms down!
Loving your blog, Colin, and hoping all is well on your end as it is on mine. Big love to Trish. Would love to see you both again.
Hi Stello, Glad to hear all’s well with you – let’s get together after Easter!
Even more surveillance and digital currencies?
Is there anything positive waiting for us in the remaining 2023? Except the “explosion of interest in astrology”. 🙂
And the spoons? You got me, truly like what, where am I, what is he writing about? Now I am still not sure if I have the right spoons in my kitchen. Soups do taste nice though 🙂
I know! It’s a concern. I think surveillance has always been possible – I mean to those who can read the akashic records, right?