I will be guest speaker on Tuesday June 30th 2:30 pm Eastern USA/7:30 pm UK at:
Aquarius Rising: West of Scotland Astrological Association
My topic is:
Shakespeare was an astrologer
(Or if he wasn’t, he knew people who were)

Here is the blurb:
This talk is an astrological exploration looking at the chart of the Bard and his work. For example, it’s well known that the seven ages of man speech in As You Like It takes us from the Moon through to Saturn in order of orbital period. But did you know that there is a Jupiter signature in The Tempest, or a Saturn one in Romeo and Juliet, or that Sonnet 15 echoes the Duke’s speech at the top of act 3 in Measure for Measure? Mars figures in all the history plays, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream is as lunar as it gets. Shakespeare was at home in the solar system and he wrote the plays to prove it!
If you’d like to attend as a guest (no need to join the group although you are welcome if astrology is an interest), here is the zoom link and the date again is, June 30th 2:30 pm Eastern USA/7:30 pm UK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82665096141
They do ask for a donation of five quid!
See you there!